Research Outline

NFT's in the Financial Services Industry


Provide information on the potential of NFT's in the Financial Services industry. An ideal response would include:
  • Speculative ideation, examples, reports or analysis about NFT's as it relates to the Financial Services industry by specialists and thought leaders in the field.
  • How NFT's might be used by banks or credit card companies, or what they can be used for.
  • How NFT's will change the Financial Services industry in the future.

Early Findings

Data Availability

The initial round of research indicates that data availability is adequate on this topic.

Potential of NFT's on the Financial Services Industry


  • Our initial research focused on assessing information availability related to the potential of NFT's in the Financial Services industry.
  • We were able to identify its potential in several aspects of the industry such as insurance, banking and unique financial services.
  • We were also able to identify the benefits that NFT's present to the industry as well as their expected impact on the industry.
  • Initial research indicates there may be additional information on the positive and negative impact of NFT's on the Financial Services industry, use cases of NFT's in the Financial Services industry, as well as examples of Financial Services companies that are incorporating NFT's.
  • The research will have a global focus in order to provide as much detail as possible.
  • Please select one or more of the options provided in the proposed scoping section below.