Research Outline

Used Car Sales


To find out the number of private used car sales for PA, NJ, NY, CT, VA, NC, FL, MD and the age segments and demographic information for the sellers.

Early Findings

New Jersey

  • The total sales of cars in New Jersey amounted to $19.56 billion in 2018.
  • The average age of cars in New Jersey is 10.1 years compared to the national average of 11.6 years.


  • The total sales of cars in California (District 36) amounted to $1.27 billion in 2018.
  • The average age of cars in California (District 36) is 10.8 years compared to the national average of 11.6 years.


  • The total sales of cars in Connecticut amounted to $5.62 billion in 2018.
  • The average age of cars in Connecticut is 11.1 years compared to the national average of 11.6 years.
