Research Outline

Professional Services Automation market


To determine the market size of the Professional Services Automation market in the United States and determine the breakdown by specialization of the market.

Early Findings

Professional Services Automation market

  • The global Professional Services Automation market will reach $1.244 billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 11.7%.
  • The North American market holds 48% of that market, meaning that the NA market will reach $607 million (0.48% * $1.244 billion) in 2022.
  • Using a CAGR calculator, we have estimated that the 2019 market size for the North American market would be $424.6 million
  • While numerous reports have stated that the US is the major shareholder of professional services automation solution in North America, we were not able to find a specific breakdown that details the exact % of the market it holds despite looking through several industry and government reports such as Markets and Markets, Grandview Research, and the BLS.
  • The Professional Services Automation market is divided into three main solution types: project management, resource management, and opportunity and lead management.
  • The services can also be deployed using two different methods: on-premise and through cloud.

Professional Services Automation Software market

  • We also found that the global Professional Services Automation Software market would reach $16.015 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 11.7% between 2019 and 2025.
  • Assuming that the same regional breakdown holds as the overall professional automation market, then the market size would reach $7.69 billion by 2025 (0.48% * $16.015 billion).
  • Using a CAGR calculator, we estimated that the 2019 market size for the North American market would be $3.96 billion.
  • The software market is divided into 3 specific segments by application: consulting, IT technologies, and marketing and communication.
  • In 2018, the IT technologies sector occupied the biggest market share of the Professional Services Automation software market, with 46%. Assuming that the market share would remain the same for 2019, this segment would be worth $1.822 billion in 2019 (0.46% * $3.96 billion).