Research Outline

Investment in Human Potential Hypothesis


To find evidence that a strong organizational cultural strategy built on an investment in human potential can help a business, even in a quick sales environment.

Early Findings

  • High potential employees are 91% more valuable if a business correctly identifies, curate and retain these employees.
  • Performance should never be confused with potential.
  • Potential is not always about ascending the career ladder. A business should figure out what potential means for its specific culture.
  • It is well-documented that fostering a healthy corporate culture is crucial for businesses. Employees with high morale and positive attitudes are far more likely to stay and work harder.
  • Additionally, a healthy culture increases the business's reputation, thus attracting a higher caliber of potential workers.
  • Many organizations are missing a workplace culture analysis and instead frame their workforce as an expense rather than an asset.
  • A successful company that developed a culture of opportunity and capturing upon potential is Zappos. Their culture "empower[s] people through growth and learning opportunities."
  • An IBM study found that employees that feel they are not being developed are 12 times more likely to leave.
  • "People and culture fit" is the number one factor millennials look for in their employer.
  • The Association for Talent Development found companies that investing in employee development have 218% higher per employee income and 24% higher profit margins than those who don't.
  • Salesforce found that top performance sales people are also great trainers, demonstrating that investing in employees' potential is paramount to sales success.
  • Peak Sales Recruiting writes, "Top performing sales organizations know that they are built on corporate culture. They handle challenges with integrity and treat them as an opportunity to grow. This breeds transparent leadership and allows reps to have a realistic view of their organisation, promoting an all-around strong sales culture that top reps are happy to be a part of."