Research Outline

Prospecting List - Facebook


To obtain information on potential customers for a product in development. The ideal customers would be English speakers in a romantic relationship, who use Facebook messenger as a primary communication tool with romantic partners, want to go to therapy but can't afford it, and are familiar with nonviolent communication.

Early Findings

  • An in depth search of Facebook for posts on nonviolent communication and therapy resulted in links to many events, pages, and groups that mentioned both topics. The profiles of several individuals were also found, such as Rick Goodfriend, Kathy Ziola, Kathy Simon, and Donal Gannon. In all of those cases, the person found was somehow involved with providing therapy or training utilizing nonviolent communication, and did not meet our needs.
  • Facebook does not provide the ability to search based on specific criteria, such as relationship status, so we were unable to find a list of people that potentially met at least one of the criteria. Also, since many profiles on Facebook are private, it is unlikely that the desired information is available.
  • As an alternative, we searched for virtual groups that offer either relationship support or education/support in the area of nonviolent communication. The ones found included Healthy Relationships Support Group, Relationship Struggle Support Group, NVC Couples, and NVCb = NVC beginners. Each of the groups has the potential to include people that meet the given criteria, however, due to privacy issues, we would not be able to confirm that.
  • The NVCb group is private and without joining the group, no posts can be seen. The group has over 6,500 members.
  • The public support group of the Relationships Struggle Support Group is called Relationship Discussion & Advice. That group has over 6,500 members and members post with their names so people who potentially meet the criteria could be found here. Again, this would be dependent on the profiles being public and it is unlikely that details on all the requested criteria could be found.