Research Outline

Brevity Pitch Deck


To find supporting evidence that artificial intelligence can be used as a means for audience engagement and communication via links and quotes.

Early Findings

Supporting quotes and links provided below:

  • Validate the biggest issue with pitching is keeping an audience engaged- "When pitching a deal, either for funding or to potential clients, you definitely need to grab and hold attention. It is imperative, as the first hurdle. The most important things is to first get and keep your audiences attention".
  • Artificial intelligence as a great solution for communication needs- "communications systems, coupled with deep integration into other tools and existing business processes, are extremely data-rich and full of repeated actions—from call center applications, rich with many days of call-log data, to speech analysis over many thousand minutes of calls. Communications systems are an extremely suitable place for AI technologies to be applied".
  • Investors are struggling to efficiently source and vet potential deal(s) and why- "investors want to move beyond socially responsible investment that focuses primarily on avoiding investments in harmful companies or encouraging improved corporate practices related to the environment, social performance, or governance". "Few investors view the deal pipeline like a sales process, measuring conversion from one step to the next and iterating constantly to make it better".
  • Analyze the pie chart allocation of how deals are sourced for investors (cold emails, warm referrals, etc.)- information related to the use of pie charts for sourcing deals through cold calls, emails and referrals is not readily; however, included is reasoning relevant to the use of an investor network to source deals- "the success of such an approach depends on the firm’s broad network of contacts, referrals, and a good reputation among investors".
  • What the biggest bottlenecks are in the vetting process for deals-"Due diligence (screening, business and legal fit) is a rigorous process that determines whether the venture capital fund or other investor will invest in a company, and involves asking and answering a series of questions to evaluate the business and legal aspects of the opportunity".
  • A 3-minute review is the best way to engage an audience and a desire to learn more- "A pitch describes a company’s main areas of business and interest, including its strengths and weaknesses, and serves the purpose of raising funds from different investors. A 3-minute pitch deck does all of that and more in the brief time frame of 180 seconds".
  • Proves the best way to make an idea stick is by telling compelling and concise narrative- "“tell a story” was #1 in both how to grab attention and keep attention lists because storytelling is the absolute best way to engage with an audience and keep their attention. in fact, a great way to grab attention and keep it during a pitch is to start off with a story".
  • Investor(s) average 500 initial appointments with entrepreneurs annually- "Individual venture capital firms receive more than 1,000 proposals a year and are mostly interested in businesses that require an investment of at least $250,000".
  • Investor(s) have a strong desire to change and refine the current vetting process- digital changes vetting process- "the power of AI and machine learning enables investors to access information with speed, and it also layers in relevant context to make sense of the information, so they can make more confident decisions".
  • The need to pitch with Brevity- "Brevity guides the entrepreneur through expert pitch frameworks resulting in crafting an effective story, while allowing investors access to pre-screen vetted leads based upon their selected investment criteria".