Research Outline

Public Analytical Tools Resources: Colleges & Universities


To build a list of colleges and universities that publicly publish list of analytical tools as course resources with the name and email address of the contact person for the purpose of a pitch. Specifically, we will provide the:
  • School name
  • Website address of the analytic tool resource list
  • Contact person's name and email address.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial round of research indicates that data availability is adequate on this topic.

Public Analytical Tools Resources

  • The University of Minnesota Duluth has an analytics tool page consisting of digital humanities, text analysis and data mining, digital tools repositories, storytelling, and data visualization tools.
  • A website link to its analytical tool page is provided herein.
  • The resource person is Doreen Hansen and can be contacted via email at


  • The required information is provided in the attached spreadsheet.
  • We focused the initial hour of research on finding colleges and universities that publicly publish list of analytical tools as course resources.
  • We were not provided with any geographical focus; hence we've focused on schools in the US. However, if a different geographic scope is desired (for instance, a global focus), this would have to be communicated to us in a comment.
  • The initial research hour shows that such information is available in the public domain. However, additional research time is required to find out other similar schools.
  • Also, some of the schools have not provided the name of an individual as the contact person for its analytical tools page. Rather, it provides the email address of the appropriate office in charge of the tools such as the data lab team email and the tool library email address.
  • Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.