Research Outline

Best Practices: NPS Email Survey


To best practices for sending NPS survey over email including appropriate timing in the lifecycle of a hardware product user.

Early Findings

NPS for Hardware Products

  • The "standard [Net Promoter Score (NPS)] for the computer hardware business" was 32% in 2019. And, companies like Apple has an NPS of 72.
  • The 2020 benchmark for consumer brands/electronics NPS is 45 and Apple has a score of 47.

Soliciting Responses for Hardware Products/Consumer Electronics

  • To solicit responses to measure NPS for hardware products or consumer electronics, companies should consider sending a survey "after a service incident", in-product (using feedback capabilities), or during the onboarding experience.
  • According to ("one of many NPS benchmark aggregators"), companies like Apple should send an NPS survey immediately after purchase, to measure the customer's initial excitement and experience with checkout. And, if companies want to measure the customer's satisfaction with the product over time, emails are to be sent a few weeks later.
  • Transactional surveys should also be carried out to understand "how customer loyalty changes through their various points of interaction".

Response Rate

  • "According to the first annual NPS Benchmark Study by Ask Nicely/CANAM Research", companies usually get a response rate of between 11% and 20% using one method to distribute the survey but those that use two methods (e.g. email and phone) get an increase in the response rate of 31 — 50%.
  • The report also showed that responses from 42% of organizations will be received in the first week it was received.


  • In our background research, we found that information about NPS and best practices is publicly available. However, we could not find details specific to the appropriate time to measure NPS for hardware products but found some information about consumer electronics, which we included.