Research Outline

Real Estate Businesses and Agents


To determine the total number of real estate businesses and real estate agents several countries.

Early Findings

  • The number of real estate sales agents in the US as of 2017 was 147,960. The employment number is expected to grow at 1.7% annually, and this means that the estimated number of real estate agents in the US in 2019 would be about 153,033 (Calculation was done with an online CAGR calculator).
  • The number of real estate businesses in the US is 349,278 as at 2018.
  • The number of real estate agents in Canada in 2016 was 93,300. The expected number of new employment between 2017 and 2026 is 49,300, which would mean that the industry is growing at about 4,930 employees (49,300/10 years) per year since labor supply and demand are expected to be balanced.
  • The above means that the total number of real estate agents in Canada in 2019 would be about 108,090 (93,300 +(4,930 * 3)).
  • The total number of real estate businesses/establishments in Canada in 2016 was about 596,720, however, only 42,714 have one or more employees.
  • The real estate industry in Canada is growing by about 3.2%. If we assume that the number of businesses will grow at the same annual rate between 2016 and 2019, we will have that the total number of establishments in 2019 is 655,858, with 46,947 having one or more employees (Calculation was done with an online CAGR calculator).