Research Outline

Roundup: A Causal Link?


To clarify the scientific studies that were referenced from the source:

Early Findings

Clarification of Scientific Studies Regarding the Toxicity of Roundup/Glyphosate

  • "Facts and Fallacies in the Debate on Glyphosate Toxicity" is a scientific study that challenges the conclusions that were made in prior scientific study by Samsel & Seneff. Thus, two studies were intended to be referenced from this source.
  • Samsel & Seneff came to the conclusion that there is a causal link between the ingestion of Roundup through eating animals that were exposed to glyphosate and chronic illness in humans because of the suppression of the activity of the cytochrome P450 class of enzymes (CYP450) and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome that then inhibits the detoxifying CYP450 enzyme system. Mesnage & Antoniou challenge this conclusion by asserting that glyphosate and Roundup are likely to increase the activity of the detoxifying CYP450 enzyme system.
  • Samsel & Seneff came to the conclusion that large-scale environmental damage, such as the collapse of coral reefs, may in fact be due to glyphosate, with a causal link to prion diseases in humans. Mesnage & Antoniou challenge this conclusion by asserting that a causal link between prion diseases and Roundup/glyphosate is speculative since the effects of glyphosate on metal micronutrient homeostasis have never been characterized, and the chelation of Mn by glyphosate would actually be protective against rather than a causative agent of prion diseases.