Research Outline

Rwanda Graduation Statistics


To determine high school graduation rates and university graduation rates in Rwanda.

Early Findings

Tertiary Education

  • While the gross enrollment rate in 2018 for secondary education was 40.9%, the gross enrollment in tertiary education in the same year was 6.73%
  • According to World Bank statistics, 21,576 students graduated from tertiary education in Rwanda in 2017. They define tertiary education as follows, "Higher education, also known as tertiary education in some countries, refers to all post-secondary education, including both public and private universities, colleges, technical training institutes, and vocational schools."
  • In 2018, the graduation rate from tertiary education was 7.43% and in 2017 this was 8.44%.
  • In the academic year 2016-2017, 8,366 students graduated from the University of Rwanda.

Secondary Education

  • According to World Bank statistics, the graduation rate from lower secondary education in Rwanda was 33.1% in 2017.
  • According to the Government of Rwanda, 59,200 students (89.4%) passed their national exams for upper secondary education in 2017 and 66,250 students sat for the exam.

Summary of Findings

  • During the initial hour of research, we focused on finding high school and university graduation rates.
  • We found that universities are referred to as tertiary education and high schools are referred to as secondary education. Also, secondary education is divided into lower and upper secondary education.
  • Both the number of students graduated and the graduation rates were included as much as possible. Also, some figures on enrollment rates were included to show the contrast between enrollment in secondary and enrollment in tertiary education.