Research Outline

SaaS Market Statistics


To determine the number of saas companies in various revenue segments.
  • Determine the total number of SaaS companies.
  • Determine the total number of B2B SaaS companies.
  • Determine the breakdown of this number based on revenue:
    • $5 million and below
    • $5 million to $50 million
    • $50 million to $500 million
    • $500 million and above

Early Findings

Data Availability

The initial round of research indicates that information surrounding the number of SaaS companies is limited. The research team has provided the most recently available information below. For some statistics, we have had to expand our scope by slightly over three years.

SaaS Statistics

  • According to G2, the SaaS industry has 34,727 software products and serves 745 industry verticals. The most populated industries with SaaS products include medical, school resources, project management, e-commerce, and team collaborations with 533, 376, 376, 281, and 274 products, respectively.
  • The global market size of the SaaS industry is expected to reach $272.49 billion in 2021.
  • This source provides a list of 1,000 B2B startups to watch in 2020. A quick scan of this list reveals that these companies have revenues that are within the scope requested here. This source will be used for the next leg of research.
  • The information in the next proposed research step will be populated in this spreadsheet.

Crunchbase Search

  • A search for the number of SaaS companies on Crunchbase brought 20,893 results. When searching for B2B companies in the SaaS industry, it brought 1,849 results.


  • Within the first hour, we have been unable to provide the number of B2B SaaS companies or the number by revenue breakdown. This information does not seem to be available in the public domain. As a result, the information provided is from industry sources such as Crunchbase, reports that may be outdated (beyond the 2-year limit), and various media outlets.
  • In order to understand the overall SaaS and SaaS B2B market, we recommend further research. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.
  • For all our research, we would maintain a global focus, unless a shift would be requested.