Research Outline

Scented Candles Market


To understand how many scented candle vessels are thrown away or recycled every year.

Early Findings


  • The global scented candle market is set to reach $4.22 billion, increasing at a CAGR of 5.8% by 2024, with North America holding a 32% market share, or $1.35 billion (4.22 billion x .32).
  • The US prestige/luxury candle market is worth $101.9 million.
  • Yankee Candle holds a 46% share of the candle market.
  • The global candle market, in general, is growing at a CAGR of 4.26% and will reach $13 billion by 2023, with North America making up 36.94% of the market.
  • Some 35% of all US candle sales occur during the Christmas holiday season.
  • As of 2015, Yankee Candles was selling 200 million candles per year.
  • If we assume Yankee Candles' is still producing 200 million candles per year, we can use its industry market share of 46% to estimate the number of candles sold every year, which would result in approximately 435 million (200 million / .46).


  • During the Christmas season, it is thought that hundreds of thousands of candles end up in landfills, and their plastic casings could remain there for 1,000 years.
  • Candle wax is not recyclable, meaning many candle vessels likely end up in landfills rather than being recycled, as recycling takes the extra step of cleaning out the vessel.