Research Outline

Self Improvement Achieves Results


To find qualitative and quantitative research, including case studies, in order to use them as examples to prove that self improvement helps achieve remarkable results.

Early Findings

Self improvement can be the road to one's success, considering the benefits that one can get out of it. Some of those benefits are:
Although self improvement apparently provides results that everyone desires, one has to keep a few things in mind in order to follow that path:

Case Studies

  • Employers developed something called PDP (Personal Development Plans) for employees. The PDPs were implemented through the Human Resources personnel in the respective organizations. The implementation of PDPs brought about improvement in the overall workforce to which the PDPs were introduced. A report was published by the Institute for Employment Studies (UK), which showcases several case studies including Royal Mail Anglia, Guardian Royal Exchange, Scottish Power, TSB Bank, BP Chemicals, Marks and Spencer, The Wellcome Foundation, and Abbey National.
  • Marianne Power, a journalist, read and followed a different self-help book each month for a year and got results. She overcame her fears, learned how to handle relationships better, tackled her debt, and overcame anxiety. Although her journey was not perfect, she did learn and improve in some parts of her life.

Some Statistics

  • 66% of women and 54% of men in the US think that self improvement can help accomplish good in the world.
  • 35% of people think going to the house of worship is a good idea for self improvement while 34% think they should hit the gym.