Research Outline

Senior Executives Seeking Coaching Advice


Understand the journey of a senior professional who seeks help from an executive career coach. The information will be used for a marketing initiative plan.

Early Findings


  • Investors and portfolio services teams typically advice CEOs of the criticality of getting executive coaching.
  • These teams enable the investors and the CEOs to have long-term relationships even after the funds have been granted.
  • Employee survey results and other feedback loop findings from the executive's organization can also drive them to seek the help of executive coaches.
  • Around 68% of senior leaders who were surveyed by the Stanford Graduate School of Business mentioned that getting external professional help was their own prerogative.
  • These leaders felt that they need to improve themselves frequently to be more competitive in the face of the tight executive job market.
  • Executives typically seek the help of career coaches to enable them to deliver their best performance.
  • Some also seek their friends'advice but this is considered effective if they thoroughly know the leader.