Research Outline

UK Construction Recruitment Market Size


To provide the size of the construction recruitment market in the United Kingdom measured in revenue. Specifically, to determine the share of the £35 billion recruitment market in the UK is from recruitment companies in construction. This information will be used to show the size of the opportunity that is available to a recruitment technology company in the construction space in the UK.

Early Findings

  • The construction sector in the UK is projected to be the fastest-growing recruitment sector in 2020. There have already been significant increases in demand for both construction staff and materials orders for January 2020.
  • This growth is expected because Brexit will result in the return of many foreign workers back to continental Europe leading to a critical skills shortage.
  • As of 2019, there were 2.4 million jobs in the construction sector, which represents 7% of all jobs in the UK.
  • According to the 2017/18 Recruitment Industry Trends Report, 76% of the job placements in the UK fell under six broad skills categories: secretarial/clerical, computing/IT, accounting/finance, technical/engineering, construction , and professional/managerial.
  • The total recruitment industry revenue for 2017/18 was £35.7 billion, which was a year-on-year increase of 11%. The majority of this revenue, 86%, which was £30.85 billion was from temporary job placements while 14%, which was £4.84 billion was from permanent job placements.
  • Construction accounted for 7.7% of the total number of permanent job placements in the UK in 2017/18, which was 1,142,000.
  • Additionally, construction accounted for 4.9% of the total number of temporary job placements in the UK in 2017/18, which was 1,020,000.