Research Outline

I have a small start up. We have done a ton of marketing with zero results.


To determine how to improve the current unsuccessful marketing strategies being used, understand the best marketing strategies/tips to increase/launch sales of a product in the fashion/art space.

Early Findings

  • When a company is young, it is OK to focus on marketing tactics rather than having a long term strategy in place. The strategy can come later, after some success is achieved. Three important tactics for young companies are accessing great leads and customers, creating exceptional customer experience, and letting personality shine through marketing.

Tips for a Succesful Product Launch

  • The Forbes Agency Council is a group of experts in the areas of public relations, media strategy, creative, and advertising agencies. This group was asked for important steps that should be taken as part of a new product/service launch. The steps include: define the target audience; know how to reach the target audience; understand the problem being solved by the product; understand the buyer's journey; validate the product; know the competition and how to differentiate; offer a free trial or demo; create a strategic plan; and create guidelines for the brand voice and tone.
  • Panacea is a Korean skin care brand that was launched in the U.S. and made $16,000 in 30 days. In an interview, the CEO outlined what they did that worked to help other startups find success. Ultimately, the three strategies that led to the initial, and continued, success of the brand were "PR, influencer marketing, and Facebook ads."
  • The CEO stated that being intentional about every step and being authentic with the brand were two of the keys to success.
  • Neil Patel, a well-respected consultant in the marketing space, listed the following as some important aspects of a successful product launch: focus on the people who will be using the product; be revolutionary with the product, approach, or vision; and build suspense around the product.

Examples of Successful Marketing in Fashion

  • Nike focuses on marketing that is emotional and sticks with people long after the ad is gone. This leads to word-of-mouth marketing that spreads the word far beyond the people who saw the int ital ad.
  • MATTER does not try to compete in a certain fashion niche, Rather, they focus on being a brand built around values and market themselves to people who share those values.
  • H&M focuses on smart, inclusive advertising. The company wants to send the message that their clothes are for everyone, which broadens their target market.
  • Threadless focuses on creating competitions that allow people to win gear. This helps spread the word about the brand, but also can help new designers get recognized, which makes them want to participate in the challenges.