Research Outline

Specialty Crop Farm Management Software


Compile a list of software products used in California specialty crop farm management, as well as support function software related to farm equipment and supply purchasing, farm workforce management, finance, sales, etc, including links to vendor sites, in order to understand where holes in useful software by crop and farm process.

Early Findings

We found the following software products used in California specialty crop farm management:


  • Tend is described as a "leading farm management software platform for organic farms".
  • The company is located in Santa Cruz, California, and serves organic farming clients all over the US.
  • The software offers the ability to build crop plans, keep records, manage tasks, take notes, generate reports, and view analytics.


Crop Tracker

  • Crop Tracker is "the leading farm management software system for growers of fruit and vegetables".
  • The company, located in Canada, serves growers, packers, co-operations, and farming associations of all sizes, including strawberry farmers in California.
  • They offer a platform aimed at enhancing productivity and optimizing all stages of operations.

We've also begun to compile information on these companies in the following spreadsheet.