Research Outline

Digital and Technology Trends in Costa Rica


To understand digital and technology trends in Costa Rica according to these two segments of large corporations and small to medium-sized businesses and startups. For each segment, we would identify 4-5 recent or emerging trends in the digital and technology industries. For each trend, we would explain why it is a recent or emerging trend, explain what it is, and provide 1-2 companies that are engaging in this trend.

Early Findings

Our research on corporate digital and technology trends in Costa Rica revealed insights. Here are key pieces of information we found:

Corporate Digital and Technology Trends in Costa Rica:



  • Another recent trend in Costa Rica is the increasing use of cryptocurrrency.
  • While many Latin American countries have limited cryptocurrency activity or outright banned it altogether, Costa Rica, welcomes cryptocurrency innovation. Cryptocurrency "is rapidly gaining a foothold in Costa Rica, as some workers are choosing to accept a portion of their salaries in cryptocurrencies."
  • Cryptocurrency is an internet-based financial exchange which uses cryptographical functions to conduct financial transactions.
  • Cryptobuyer is one of the corporations engaging in this trend and opened the first bitcoin ATM in Costa Rica.