Research Outline

Desired Future Jobs


To identify the top 5-10 desired future jobs reported by kindergarten children at any time point between 1975 and 1990 in order to write an article about entrepreneurship.

To identify the top 5-10 jobs that parents aspired for their children to have at any time point between 1975 and 1990 in order to write an article about entrepreneurship.

Early Findings

Our background research on the desired future jobs of children revealed insights. Here are some key pieces of information we found:

Desired Future Jobs of Children

  • The most popular future jobs for children have changed little over the years. Based on a survey conducted by Fatherly and New York Life, the top five desired future jobs that children want to have when they grow up are: doctor, veterinarian, engineer, police officer, and teacher.
  • Another recent survey conducted by found that an overwhelming majority of five- to six-year-olds desire future jobs in “service” roles, like military members, firefighters, retail employees, and food service positions.
  • The survey also found that children in the five- to six-year-old group were most likely to choose dream jobs that allowed them to help in some way. Eight- to nine-year-olds were most likely to choose jobs that their parents or other family members had, and ten- to eleven-year-olds were most likely to choose a dream job they felt they’d be good at.
  • A study conducted in 2017 by Junior Achievement USA found that 88% of parents would be extremely or very likely to support their teen's interest in becoming an entrepreneur as an adult, but less than 30% of teens demonstrated that same level of enthusiasm for becoming an entrepreneur.