Research Outline

Sales Talent Recruitment in the IT Sector


Determine solutions for the four challenges that were identified in the previous strategy research. The information will be used to ensure that the leaders in that space understand the concerns in recruiting sales talents.

Early Findings

Sales Talent Recruitment in the IT Sector

The section below contains some of the solutions to the challenges of hiring sales talent that were presented in a previous research.
  • According to the Chief Sales Officer of a recruitment company, one of the best practices for addressing the talent shortage is to ensure that a company has a sufficient number of sales talent at the top of its funnel.
  • This is to ensure that these sales positions will always be manned through the years amidst increasing heavy demand for these talents from other companies.
  • As for the challenge of retaining sales talents, one way to prevent them from leaving is to ensure that the company really invests in the development of these employees.
  • This can include having peer mentors or sales coaches to ensure that talented salespeople can always deliver successful results that can keep them motivated.
  • Meanwhile, to deal with the issue of sales talents who are untruthfully inflating their achievements, companies are advised to use available technology and online platforms to know more about their candidates.
  • As an example, employers can browse through the social media accounts of the candidates to get to know them better.
  • Furthermore, interview questions need to be evaluated to ensure that they are effective and strong in determining the total competency profile of a sales talent candidate.
  • As for the interviewers and hiring managers, some of the best practices to prevent them from hiring the wrong people include being a good listener and practicing how to respond to follow-up questions.
  • Other ways to help the interviewers conduct better interviews include interview training, having standard forms and processes, giving them scripted behavioral interview queries, and ensuring that they probe answers well.