Research Outline

Audiobook Market Share Breakdown


To find information on the market share breakdown of audiobooks. Specifically, to find the percentage of audiobook revenue that Amazon's Audible earns annually.

Early Findings


  • In 2017, audiobook sales revenue in the United States increased from $2.1 billion in the previous year to $2.5 billion.
  • In 2018, audiobook sales revenue in the United States was valued at $940 million
  • On the other hand, according to Crunchbase, Audible has an estimated annual revenue of $200 million.


  • With the above figures, the approximate percentage market share of audible in the United States can be calculated as follows:
  • 2017 Audible U.S. % Market Share = (($200 million/2.5 billion) x 100) = 8%.
  • 2018 Audible U.S. % Market Share = (($200 million/940 million) x 100) = 21.27%.

Summary of Findings

  • From the calculations above, it was concluded that Audible's percentage market share in the United States audiobook market was an estimated 8% in 2017 and grew to an estimated 21.27% in 2018.