Research Outline

Noble Cup Market Research


To identify the TAM for menstrual hygiene management product in Africa, Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire, and Kenya. In addition, identify the market size for menstrual cups in Africa and the leading companies in the segment.

Early Findings

The initial hour of research was able to identify the TAM (total addressable market) for Eastern Africa, Western Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Côte d'Ivoire, and Nigeria using the age cohort 15 through 44 years old. Further age details of the population cohort for 12 to 14 year olds was not identified.


  • The population of Africa is estimated at 1,340,598,147.
  • The total population in Eastern Africa is reported as 445,405,606 for 2020, and 401,861,254 for Western Africa.
  • Full details of both Eastern and Western Africa's female population by age may be found in the attached spreadsheet, produced by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The data include:
  • Eastern Africa's population of females between the age of 15 and 44 is estimated to be 101,423,000.
  • The female populations of Ethiopia and Kenya for the same age cohort, respectively, are estimated at 26,480 ,000 and 12,967,000.
  • Western Africa's population of females between 15 and 44 is estimated to be 86,682,000.
  • The female population of Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria are estimated to be 5,966 ,000 and 43,787,000, respectively, for the same age cohort.

Menstrual Cup Market

  • Allied Market Research, in its paywall report, estimates the global menstrual cup market size was $632 million in 2018 and projected its growth to $963 million by 2026.
  • There are several other paywall reports available covering the product including a detailed account covering Africa by Market Research.
  • A report titled 'Menstrual Health Management in East and Southern Africa: a Review Paper' was commissioned by UNFPA East and Southern Africa Regional Office; its intention "to form the basis for a situational analysis of the current state of menstrual health management in East and Southern Africa (ESA) that can guide UNFPA ESARO in the development of a strategic and holistic approach to MHM, including its approach to humanitarian situation, within its corporate strategic goals and principles. While the paper does not provide market size, it includes valuable information about the menstrual market status in Sub-Saharan Africa.