Research Outline

TV Shows - Makers, Problem Solvers, and Innovators


To find additional television shows that deal with makers, problem solvers, or innovators and include them in the attached spreadsheet. For each TV show, provide 1) its name, 2) its network, 3) its country of origin, and 4) a brief 1-2 sentence description. Focus on non-English-speaking shows wherever possible and specifically try to find shows in Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese, and/or Arabic. Also, try to find shows that focus on disabilities, the environment, or social impact. Do not include cooking shows or programs about general innovation, though DIY, makers, and open-source culture shows would be acceptable. In addition, continue filling in the blank spaces in our spreadsheet with the information provided here.

Early Findings

During this hour of research, we were able to find six additional television shows that meet the requested criteria and organized our findings in the attached spreadsheet beginning with row 43. We also filled in a few more of the blank spaces using the information from this spreadsheet.

Additional TV Shows about Makers, Problem Solvers, or Innovators

  • Projeto Fashion
  • Fab 5
  • The Block
  • Code: Secret Room
  • Vat Jou Goed en Trek!
  • Doing DaVinci