Research Outline

U.S. Alcohol Leaders' Revenues and Market Share


Revenues and Market Share

Early Findings

Revenues: Beam Suntor, Bacardi, Corby Distillers

Market Share of Major Players in the U.S. Alcohol Market

From previous research, the U.S. alcohol market size is estimated at $266.44 billion in 2019. From this market size, and the company revenues provided in previous research, the market share in the U.S. for some of the leading players is shown below:

U.S. revenues: $13.1 billion (25% of $52.3 billion)
U.S. market share: 4.9% ($13.1 billion/$266.4 billion x 100)
U.S. volumes and sales to retailers were down 1.7% and 3%, respectively.

U.S. revenues: $5.4 billion (97% of $5.6 billion)
U.S. market share: 2% ($5.4 billion/$266.4 billion x 100)

U.S. revenues: $4.8 billion (30% of $16 billion).
U.S. market share: 1.8% ($4.8 billion/$266.4 billion x 100)

U.S. revenues: $2.17 billion (7% of $31 billion)
U.S. market share: 11.6% ($31 billion/$266.4 billion x 100)

Revenues: $0.3 billion
U.S. market share: 0.1% ($0.3 billion/$266.4 billion x 100)

Revenues: $4 billion
U.S. market share: 1.5% ($4 billion/$266.4 billion x 100)

Summary of Findings

In this hour of research, we have provided the numbers for the U.S. market share of 6 market leaders based on the previously provided overall market size of the U.S. alcohol market and U.S revenues for these market players. We were unable to determine the U.S. revenues for Kirin Holdings, Kittling Ridge Estate Wines and Spirits, Corby Distillers, and Bacardi.