Research Outline

UK: City Statistics


To gather the required information: number of restaurants, average cost of a meal, average price of a weekend hotel stay, average hotel star rating, average cost of a pint of beer, number of free attractions, and average rating of free attractions for the UK cities included in the attached spreadsheet.

Early Findings

The following data has been added to the shared spreadsheet: 


  • Average price of weekend hotel stay.
  • Average hotel star rating.
  • Average rating of free attractions.


  • Average price of weekend hotel stay.
  • Average hotel star rating.
  • Average rating of free attractions.


  • Average price of weekend hotel stay.
  • Average hotel star rating.
  • Average rating of free attractions.


  • Average price of weekend hotel stay.
  • Average hotel star rating.
  • Average rating of free attractions.

Summary Of Early Findings

  • As a note, average weekend hotel prices were calculated by taking the nightly rate times two.
  • Hotel star rating calculations were done using the Omni Calculator.