Research Outline

US Medical Private Practice


To determine the number of US medical private practice offices, broken down by specialty.

Early Findings


  • According to the US Census, there were approximately 220,890 physician offices, as of 2012, the most recent year available (screenshot here if link does not work).
  • Another US Census report shows that of those 220,890 physician offices, 177,644 of them are single unit establishments, which may equate to private practices, but that is not entirely clear.
  • According to the American Medical Association (AMA), employed physicians (47.4%) now outnumber those owning their own practice (45.9%).
  • However, 10% of those employed physicians are employed by practices that are wholly owned by physicians, bringing the percentage of physicians working in private practice settings to 54%.
  • The same study shows that "65% of surgical subspecialists own their practices, as do 53.8% of ob-gyns, about 52% of internal medicine subspecialists and almost 51% of radiologists," while only 26.2% of emergency physicians own their own practices.
  • And AMA report on the economic impact of US physicians states that 16% of physicians have a solo practice, while single specialty groups accounted for 42.8% of physicians.
  • Some of the top medical specialties, in terms of number of physicians, are pediatrics, emergency medicine, anesthesiology, and psychiatry.

In addition to this public search, we scanned our proprietary research database of over 1 million sources and were unable to find any specific research reports that address your goals.