Research Outline

Perfume Industry Trends


Determine the major trends in the U.S. perfume industry.

Early Findings

Perfume Industry Trends

  • Based on a market report, the boom in the U.S.' macroeconomic landscape in the last five years has driven shoppers to buy more perfume and fragrance goods.
  • However, the COVID-19 outbreak this year dampened the perfume sector as these products are being sold in stores that are classified as non-essential businesses.
  • In general, the growth in the global perfume industry was due to the rising trend of personal grooming and the growing demand for luxurious and unique scents.
  • The growth of the market can also be attributed to the increasing demand for "on-the-go, natural, and value-added" perfume products.

Summary Of Our Early Findings Relevant To The Goals

Our one hour of research provided some of the perfume industry trends that are driving the growth of the market.