Research Outline

Fantasy and Gaming Effect on Sports


To understand the effect of fantasy and other gaming activity on real-life sports consumption.

Early Findings

  • Fans consume 40% more sports content across all media once they start playing fantasy sports.
  • A study based on ESPN Sports poll survey data "found evidence suggesting that fantasy sports participation leads to an increase in the number of games watched on television and, therefore, acts as a complement to televised sporting events."
  • The study authors state that the "greater demand for televised sports should arguably increase the value of advertising spots and, therefore, lead to a greater potential for cross-marketing across the 2 media of television and the Internet."
  • A study by Nielsen in India revealed that 37% of fantasy sports players consume over 6-8 hours of real-life sports content weekly to stay abreast with knowledge on players and match conditions turning passive sports viewers into active participants of a match.
  • About 32% of fans who play fantasy football spend more than 3 hours watching sports compared to 28% of non-fantasy sports players.