Research Outline

Workflow and Workspace in 2030


To find research about how workflow and workspace will evolve in the next 10 years to enable humans and machines to work together. The information on will be used to support the choice of a dissertation topic.

Early Findings

Workflow and workspace Evolution to Enable Humans and Robots to Work Together by 2030

  • In the next decade, all jobs will be affected by automation, but only 5 % could be fully automated. Research has found that nearly a third the activities in 60% of all occupations could be automated. This means that most workers will end up working alongside advanced machines. The nature of the human jobs will likely change as a result.
  • Partial automation will become more widespread as advanced machines complement humans in the workplace. As an example, AI algorithms that can read diagnostic scans with a high degree of accuracy will be able to help physicians diagnose patient cases and identify suitable treatment. In other fields, jobs with repetitive tasks could shift toward a model of managing and troubleshooting automated systems. This is the case at Amazon where employees who previously lifted and stacked objects are becoming robot operators, monitoring the automated arms and resolving issues such as an interruption in the flow of objects.
  • By 2030, intelligent machines and software will be increasingly integrated into the workplace, resulting i in a constant evolution of workflows and workspaces that will enable humans and machines to work together. Humans will become assistants, who can help answer questions or troubleshoot the machines. More system-level solutions will prompt rethinking of the entire workflow and workspace. As for the evolution of workplaces, they may change significantly to accommodate the safe interaction of robots and humans.
  • Workflow design and workspace design will need to change in the future to adapt to a new era in which people work more closely with machines. This evolution represents both an opportunity and a challenge, in terms of creating a safe and productive environment.
  • A 2018 report from Dell revealed that 82% of those surveyed predict humans and robots will work together on teams within five years. The study, conducted by Vanson Bourne, explored the impact of robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, augmented reality and cloud computing on society by 2030.
  • Some dull, dirty, or dangerous work may be automated or stopped entirely, other work will be still critical but might be changed by the application of technology and some work will also continue relatively unchanged.
  • By 2030, humans' reliance on technology will evolve into a true partnership with humans, bringing their creativity, passion and an entrepreneurial mindset and machines with their ability to bring speed, automation and efficiencies, and the resulting productivity will allow for new opportunities within industries and roles.
  • Human-machine partnerships will enable people to find and act on information without interference of emotions or external bias, while also exercising human judgment where appropriate. Humans and machines will need to learn to team up to help activate and deactivate the resources they need to manage their daily lives.

Skills Needed for Future talent/ Employees to Work Seamlessly with Machines, Data and AI

  • By 2030, the mix of occupations will change, as will skill and educational requirements. Work will need to be redesigned to ensure that humans work alongside machines most effectively.
  • By 2030,automation will accelerate the shift in required workforce skills with additional demand for advanced technological skills such as programming. Other required skills will include social, emotional, and higher cognitive skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, and complex information processing, will also see growing demand. Basic digital skills demand has been increasing and that trend will continue and accelerate. Demand for physical and manual skills will decline but will remain the single largest category of workforce skills in 2030 in many countries.