Research Outline

Healthcare Challenges: Spanish-Speaking Americans


To identify the approaches used by Health Systems and Hospitals and the challenges they encounter when catering to the Hispanic Community (specifically Spanish-speakers) in the US for the purpose of building a trend report. An ideal response will feature:
  • The issues health systems and/or hospitals face when catering to Spanish-Speaking Americans.
  • The challenges Spanish-Speakers deal with when utilizing health systems and/or hospitals.
  • The remedy adopted by health systems and/or hospitals to improve these issues and where they fall short.
We will focus on information that directly connects to health systems or hospitals and not other areas of health or general information. Also, we will leverage sources no older than 2016.

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • Although data availability is adequate regarding the challenges the Hispanic community encounter when attempting to access healthcare/hospitals, the initial round of research indicates that data availability specific to Spanish-speaking Hispanics is limited in the public domain.

Spanish Healthcare Experience


  • We focused the initial hour of research on discovering the challenges Spanish-speaking Hispanics face when accessing healthcare/hospitals in the US.
  • The initial research revealed that data availability specific to them is limited in the public domain.
  • Notwithstanding, we found some information regarding the issues they experience when trying to access healthcare systems/hospitals.
  • We recommend additional research to provide a deep-dive into the data points found during the initial hour of research and also provide the rest of the information required, such as the issues health systems and/or hospitals face when catering to Spanish-Speaking Americans and the remedy adopted by health systems and/or hospitals to improve these issues.
  • We will focus on information that directly connects to health systems or hospitals and not other areas of health or general information.
  • Also, we will leverage sources no older than 2016.
  • Lastly, we recommend providing data about the general Hispanic community when there is limited information about Spanish-speaking Hispanics.
  • For a deeper dive into the above-suggested research parts, we recommend further research. Details on our recommended research paths have been provided in our proposals below.