Research Outline

Hair Extension Industry Overview


To provide the following information to inform the market and competitive strategy for the launch of a hair extension brand:
  • Global hair extension market size
  • US hair extension market size
  • Top 5 hair extension brands by revenue
  • EBITDA of the top 5 identified hair extension brands

Early Findings

Data Availability

  • The initial research indicates that the US hair extensions market size is not available in the public domain. Most of the reports we found were behind the paywalls such as reports by Absolute Reports, Transparency Market Research, Decision Databases, and many more research publishing sites like these. We did find some helpful findings related to the market growth, market size of a sub-segment, that is, only "human hair extensions", and global market growth. We have included these findings in the research below. We've included more details in the summary section below to elaborate on how we can attempt to triangulate and determine the hair extension market size of the US and the world.
  • For the information on the top 5 hair extension brands by revenue, various research reports, news articles, and business databases were scoured to find these top 5 brands based on the revenue. However, the initial research indicates that the data based on the revenue information is limited. And hence, we have pivoted the research to look for the top 5 brands based on a high number of brand mentions as "one of the top/key/major players in the hair extension market" by multiple research reports and/or sources. This is reflected in our findings and in the scoping options below.
  • For the information on EBITDA of the top 5 hair extension brands, we researched individual hair extension brands to find their financial/annual reports. However, it was found that most of the brands are privately held (examples include, Hair Dreams, Great Lengths Universal Hair Extensions , Cinderella Hair, and Hairlocs) and hence, they are not mandatorily required to publish their annual reports/financial figures to the public. Thus, we have pivoted the research to look for other helpful information relevant to the project goals. This is reflected in our findings and in the scoping options below.

1. Global Market Overview: Hair Extensions and Human Hair Extensions

  • Another research report states that the global hair extensions market is likely to see a growth rate of around 4.5% during the years between 2019-2024. The forecasted global hair extension market size would be about USD 1.2 billion in 2024.

2. Top Hair Extension Brands

Hair Dreams
Donna Bella
Klix Hair Extension
Femme Hair Extension
Anhui Jinruixiang
Xuchang Penghui
Hair Addictionz
Evergreen Products Group
Xuchang Haoyuan"

Other Helpful Findings

Summary of the Initial Research

  • The first hour of the research was spent in determining the availability for all the 4 requested information: (1) Global hair extension market size, (2) US hair extension market size, (3) Top 5 hair extension brands by revenue, (4) EBITDA of the top 5 hair extension brands. Based on the limited data availability (as discussed in the 'data availability' section above), we have the following recommendations:
1. Global market size
There are two ways in which the estimated market size can be calculated for this research going forward:
(a) Triangulating by using the variables such as the CAGR rate and future market value for the global market
(b) Alternatively, by finding the revenues of the top/key hair extension brands in the global market, we can derive an estimated market size, assuming that these top players would most likely have a significant market share. It is also likely that the revenue information for some brands may not be available.

2. US market size
(a) For the US market size, by finding the revenues of the top/key hair extension brands in the US, we can derive an estimated market size, assuming that these top players would most likely have a significant market share. It is also likely that the revenue information for some brands may not be available.

3. Revenues of the top brands
Due to limited data availability, we can provide the revenues of the top hair extension brands identified in the research above.

4. EBITDA of top brands
Based on our data availability statement above, no further research is recommended to find this information.

  • For this research, we assumed that the total hair extension market includes all the segments: synthetic hair extension, human hair extension, and animal hair extension. And thus, the market size information on the global and US "human hair" extensions market provided in the research above was only a part of the total hair extension market.