Research Outline

Travel and Tourism Growth is 3rd World/Developing Economy Countries


To identify 3rd world or developing countries with the fastest-growing travel and tourism numbers and explore the factors and drivers behind these increases in order to use the information found to plot key considerations to be used in the development of a creative communications plan designed to attract and encourage internationa tourists to visit and explore South Africa.

Early Findings

Percentage Increases in Tourism

  • International tourism arrivals increased 6.8% between 2016 and 2017, growing to just over 1.3 billion. This growth represents the largest single-year percentage increase since 2009.
  • Of the 11 countries identified by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 2018 Annual Global Report on Travel and Tourism, seven are classified as 3rd world or developing countries. Those seven countries are Egypt, Togo, Vietman, Georgia, Nepal, Nuie, and Turkey.
  • From 2016 to 2017, tourism increased by 55.1% in Egypt, 46.7% in Togo, 29.1% in Vietman, 27.9% in Geogia, 25.4% in Nuie, 24.8% in Nepal, and 24.1% in Turkey.
  • Brazil's tourism rate is growing at a significantly slower rate than the top 11 countries, but it is still growing. Tourism in Brazil grew from 6.5 Million in 2017 to 6.6 Million in 2018, an increas of 1.53%.
  • Regionally, Africa experienced the second highest percentage growth in international tourism, 9%, coming in behind only the Middle East. Despite this growth, Africa only claims 5% of the international tourism market at this time. The countries in North Africa are the primary drivers of tourism in Africa. South Africa showed a slower increase in the niumber of tourists but a larger increase in the amount of receipts, or money brought in, from those tourists.

Reasons for Tourism Growth

  • Reasons for increased tourism in the countries where it is growing vary, but some reasons are universal. Greater air connectivity is one the largest drivers behind the increase in tourism in developing countries. The more airlines add flights to these countries, the easier it is for foreign traveles to travel to and explore them. Island destinations such as Seychelles and Cabo Verde can thank increased air connectivity for their double-digit tourism growth.
  • Brazil has the largest economy of any South American or Central American country but is still considered a developing country because of its low living standards, low BDP per capita, and high birth and death rates. In spite of this, Brazil is managing to attract tourists and slowing increase the percentage of people choosing to travel there.
  • One way Brazil has increased overall tourism is by hosting major athletic events. Brazil hosted the World Cup in 2014 and the Summer Olympics in 2016. Combined, these events brought millions of people to Brazil, many of whom had never been there before.
  • Brazil is targeting countries they hope to attract tourists from through the development and implentation of their e-visa program. E-visa is a visa waiver program. Citizens living in the US, Canada, Australia, and Japan can visit Brazil without first getting a visa through their embassies - as long as they have a valid passport. Once there, tourists from these countries can stay as long at 180 days. Since the launch of this program in June 2019, the number of tourists to Brazil from the four included countries all increased. Tourism from Canada increased the most, increasing 45.5%
  • Brazil is also creating ad campaigns that highlight the geographic beauty, natural wonders, and unique attactions that are located there.