Research Outline

Numismatic Coins


To determine the price history of numismatic coins priced above the U.S. GDP since 1970

Early Findings

  • We have provided examples of numismatic coins priced above the U.S. GDP since 1970 in the attached spreadsheet.

Summary of early findings

  • For this request, we found that the best way to represent the information is on a spreadsheet and provided the details on the attached spreadsheet. We have provided examples of numismatic coins priced above the U.S. GDP from 1970 to 2019. To get these examples, we leveraged this source that contained a table with the U.S. GDP values from 1970 up to date. We then looked for websites that provide price values of numismatic coins and scoured through them to pinpoint those that are priced above the U.S. GDP value since 1970. There are no details surrounding their price changes over time. Only the current prices are available. For coins that were found on multiple websites, we compared these prices and compared them to the GDP. For each coin, we provided the name, the price, an example of where it can be bought, and our sources. Since the coins were available in different grades and for different years, we identified the grades in the price column and included the price range from the lowest grade to the highest range.