Research Outline

People Intelligence - Europe and USA Technology Players


To understand the European and American people intelligence market by identifying the technology-driven companies offering their services.

Early Findings

  • Humanyze is a company providing people intelligence services in the United States. Further information about this company can be found on the attached spreadsheet.
  • Other companies working in this sector include Eightfold and Cornerstone. Meanwhile, in Europe, companies such as Semalytix and One Logic stand out.

Summary of Findings

  • We used this initial hour of research to determine the availability of the information. In addition, we have built a spreadsheet corresponding to all the data points required. Furthermore, we have identified three American companies and four European ones with a tech-oriented focus on people intelligence services.
  • While we were able to identify the aforementioned companies, we only had time to provide the required information for one of them. We could provide the remaining information with further research. We have not included companies such as Zoominfo, Trulioo, World-Check, or Pipl as it was understood information about these companies was already known. If these companies are to be included, this would need to be communicated in any response.