Research Outline

Weight Loss Market Research


To provide an overview of the weight loss market in the United Kingdom specifically current trends, consumer behaviors and attitudes, popular diets and products, and marketing strategies, tactics, and innovative approaches.

Early Findings

  • The UK obesity rate reached a new high in 2016, with 27% of the population aged 15 or other considered obese. The weight loss market has been forecast to grow at a CAGR of 3.35% between 2019 and 2025. This growth is driven by the need to control the rising obesity rate.
  • Concerns relating to the adverse effects of various weight loss products have seen a trend toward other weight loss methods, including adopting a more healthy lifestyle and staying fit. There is a segment of the market, predominantly females, who have a perception based on BMI; they are overweight despite their weight falling within a healthy weight range.
  • The major players in the UK weight loss market include Herbalife, Unilever Foods, Omega Pharma, Dendron, and Nutricia.
  • There is increasing evidence that the obesity strategy in the UK is not working for everyone, and there is a more individualized approach to weight loss required. At the end of July 2020, a new strategy was floated in the UK. Some of the proposed features included restricting the advertising of foods high in fat, sugar, or salt before 2100, calorie labeling on restaurant and takeaway menus, expanding the NHS weight loss program, and incentivizing weight loss for family doctors.
  • Research has shown consumers do not feel there is sufficient information available regarding weight loss. In a recent study, consumers identified safety as their biggest concern around weight loss products. Other information consumers identified as important in weight loss programs related to pricing and program components.
  • The consumer weight loss journey is evolving. Consumers are increasingly placing more emphasis on fitness over nutrition. The market has become a lot broader in nature with a wide range of products and programs to choose from. Digital products and apps are becoming more relevant and essential in the consumer weight loss journey.
  • Affordability is a definitive factor for consumers when considering different weight loss programs and products.
  • 80% of consumers will begin their weight loss journey with a search query for weight loss solutions, programs, or products. It is becoming clear that marketers in this market segment cannot expect to reach consumers if they do not adopt an omnichannel approach to their marketing efforts. Most consumers are looking to purchase products throughout the year, with 41% of consumers purchasing a health, diet, or fitness product over the summer months.
  • 23% of dieters believe that a gym membership is the most effective weight loss strategy.


  • We have spent our initial hour of research scanning the information available to ensure there are resources available to answer all the identified questions. There is a considerable amount of information available relating to the UK market. In a couple of areas, there may be a need to supplement the UK data with global data to ensure completeness.
  • The UK market shows signs of following the US market. US market data could be useful in corroborating UK research.
  • We have grouped the questions into three key areas to focus further research better and suggest the following research path.