Research Outline

Plastic Surgeon Ad Spend


Gain an understanding of the advertising spend and marketing strategy of plastic surgeons, with a focus on first time patient acquisition, including average cost per lead, and any other relevant information related to marketing behaviors, in order to create a go-to marketing strategy for a tech start up aimed at supporting them.

Early Findings

  • The advertising spend for plastic surgeons is primarily focused around online advertising, with a typical spend ranging between $5,000- $15,000 per month.
  • The average monthly marketing budget per a plastic surgery practice in the US is $6,677.
  • It's also recommended a plastic surgery practice should spend at least 6-10% of annual revenue on marketing if they hope to grow.
  • For a newer practice with $0.5 million annual revenue for example, it's recommended a monthly budget between $2,500 to $3,000, spent on a mix of pay-per-click ads, Facebook and other social media, blogging, email campaigns, and marketing automation software costs.
  • It's also recommended that some of this budget be allocated to hosting 1-2 in-person promotional events each year.
  • A more established practice with approximately $1 million in annual revenue would be expected to budget $5,000 to $6,000, expanding their digital budget, and beginning to include local print advertising.
  • While there was no data directly available on the year-over-year cost of acquiring a patient/ patient acquisition cost, one source does note that the cost per lead ranges between $25- $225 per lead.
  • It's also noted that new practices will often have higher up-front costs to build out their advertising strategy, as they purchase automated marketing software, build brand identity and client personas, and do preliminary website design and content development.
  • It's noted that new practices should expect a buget between $20,000 to $30,000 to launch their marketing strategy.
  • Some top recommended strategies for plastic surgeons looking to attract new clients include focusing on targeting consumers mature and affluent enough to receive services, referrals and word of mouth from existing clients, free photo consultations, thought leadership content, and having a strong online reputation management strategy.