Research Outline

WiFi Legislation: Children


To understand the state of legislation/policy around the world with respect to regulating the use of Wi-Fi specifically around children, to understand if there has been any movement on regulating products that have Wi-Fi, to identify countries (globally) and which states have had activity in this area within the past 5-10 years in order to decide to add Wi-Fi to a new product aimed at children.

Early Findings

  • In 2002, Australia established the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) Standard which schools have to adhere to.
  • These guidelines were set following the 1998 International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) Guidelines.
  • Australia follows the international exposure limit that is set to (3500- 10000mW/m2).
  • This upper limit is rather high when it comes to exposure for children. Other countries like Russia have set their limit to one percent of what Australia has, 100 mW/m2. China is set to 0.6% (60 mW/m2), Switzerland at 40 mW/m2 (0.4%), and Luxembourg at 20 mW/m2 (0.2%).
  • For public schools and publicly funded libraries, at least 27 states across the US have regulations that limit its use to prevent exposure to explicit content.
  • Some states require schools and publicly funded institutions to install filtering software on their computers/terminals.
  • New York does not allow cell towers within school property.
  • This source provides the state by state regulation on WiFi in public schools and libraries.
  • This source provides a list of legislation from various states surrounding schools and cell towers, WiFi in the classroom, and devices.
  • Children in Irish schools face a great health risk from unregulated WiFi.
  • One school that was tested was found to have 1,000 times the recommended level of WiFi radiation from a system that was powered on all day.
  • In Israel, the situation is different;
  • Taiwan has placed a fine of £1,000 on any parent who allows their babies under the age of two to have access to electronic devices.
  • Taiwan also limits the amount of time allowed for all children under the age of 18.