Research Outline

Email Marketing for Millennials


The goal is to show that email marketing is still relevant, especially among Millennials.

Early Findings


  • 84% of Millennials do not trust paid ads.
  • 60% of Millennials say email is their preferred form of communication with retailers.
  • The number of email accounts per person is growing and is expected to reach 1.86 by 2022.
  • 68% of Millennials say promotional emails have influenced their purchasing decisions.
  • 55% of consumers like getting email promotions with personalized related products and offers.

Best Practices

  • Millennials tend to read emails on a mobile device, so ensuring that email advertisements perform well on a mobile platform is a must.
  • 46% of Millennials have created content for the internet. Using user-created content in email marketing can attract this age group.
  • Millennials don't respond as well to aggressive promotional email marketing tactics. Instead, they prefer a personalized, value-driven approach to messaging.
  • For example, one study showed that email subject lines that included words like free, percent off, and reminder had a negative impact on open rates.
  • One study showed that emails with emojis in the subject line had a 56% increase in open rates compared to those without emojis.