Research Outline

Yoga Research Germany


To investigate the yoga industry in Germany in order to plan to launch a yoga service in Berlin.

Early Findings

Yoga Industry in Germany

  • According to a study by the market research institute Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung there are 3 million regular yoga practitioners in Germany, of whom 90% are women.
  • Aside from regular practitioners, 10 million people living in Germany have tried yoga, and another 12.5 million consider starting yoga.
  • Another source estimates the number of regular yoga practitioners at 5 million.
  • The cities that are most popular for yoga classes are Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Köln.

Do any services help yoga teachers market themselves or advertise?

  • In Germany, most yoga teachers are self-employed and have to advertise their services and classes to attract clients and earn an income.
  • The work depends on the popularity of yoga in the vicinity, the number of yoga studies and the efficiency of the promotion of classes.
  • Options for marketing yoga classes in Germany include distributing flyers and business cards, starting a website, a blog or a Facebook page.

How many people in Germany do their yoga teacher training each year, how many teachers in Berlin, how many studios in Berlin, how much do private classes usually cost, how much do teachers earn per year.

  • The popularity of yoga is on the rise particularly in major German cities. In Berlin alone there are currently around 300 yoga studios, in Munich 200.
  • Classes in Berlin can cost €18 a session.
  • Private classes cost €20 on average.
  • The average annual revenue for a yoga instructor in Germany is €42,417.